Baba Yaga

A story poem about “Baba Yaga” ready by Thomas Verny.

Our grand-daughter Paige sent a video message to Thomas Verny after a children's author had visited her school. The author had explained all about working and re-working manuscripts, and what editors and publishers do, and Paige said that she might like to be an author, too. I told her that I knew an author who was writing a book of poetry, and that he was working very hard. Paige then wanted to make a video to encourage him (she loves to make videos), and she composed an email message and sent her video to him. Thomas Verny replied with his own video, reading her of one of his poems (a story poem about "Baba Yaga.") Paige, of course, wanted to reply with another video message – and here is their lovely exchange.

Sharon Morrice

Designer with uber design


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